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What is STEM? Simply put, it stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics.  STEM is multidiscipline based, incorporating the integration of other disciplinary knowledge into a new whole. Technology helps us communicate; Math is the language; Science and Engineering are the processes for thinking; all this leads to Innovation. The ultimate goal of STEM education is to encourage students to take an interest in STEM subjects at an early age which will benefit them when they enter the jobs market.  STEM is an important part of education in a competitive global marketplace. Studies have shown that the U.S. educational system needs significant improvement in these areas if the students who are the workforce of tomorrow want to have a competitive edge in a globalized, high-tech marketplace.



Students learn through experience where they talk and engage in conversation. They learn by shaping arguments and solving problems in the course of a continuous process of asking questions, experimenting, designing, creating, and gathering compelling supporting evidence. Through the implementation of STEM education and the best practices and strategies it promotes, teachers can construct a learning environment where students are given the opportunity to experience, talk, debate, discover, design, create, and build. They can learn to lead the way to innovation... learning today... making a better tomorrow.

The Okaloosa STEMM Academy's mission is to equip students to become confident, capable, ethical, and responsible citizens by creating a positive and nurturing school environment where students, staff, parents, and the community work together to promote lifelong learning and provide opportunities for all students to reach their potential in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, and Medical, VALPARAISO (850) 833-4120

Our mission is to promote student achievement and preparation for global competitiveness by fostering educational excellence and ensuring equal access. Development of programs that identify and implement effective approaches for improving STEM teaching and learning; facilitate the dissemination and adoption of effective STEM instructional practices nationwide; and promote STEM education experiences to increase student engagement, interest, and achievement in the STEM fields. 1-800-872-5327

Florida is taking a systematic approach to identifying “STEM” career and technical education programs based on STEM occupations. The following programs lead directly to STEM occupations or are included in a career path that leads to a STEM occupation identified through national and state research and labor market information. As further research is completed, this list will continue to evolve. (850) 245-0505

The latest on Florida's efforts to ensure STEM leadership for communities, employers, and learners. Breaking news and research, and core resources for the diverse stakeholders in the movement. STEM = Science + Technology + Engineering + Math (877) 873-7232

The mission of the Florida Gifted Network (FGN) is to educate the public on the needs of gifted learners and effectively advocate for issues that affect the rights of of these exceptional students and the services they receive. FGN, formerly PALS, is a non-profit Florida organization founded in 1987. FGN focuses on providing resources, networking and advocacy.

The mission of FLAG is to support educationally appropriate programs for gifted students through exchanging information, promoting research, supporting constructive changes in all areas of gifted education, and cooperating with local and state organizations in reaching mutual goals and objectives in support of students who are gifted.

Girls in science and technology is a non-profit dedicated to empowering, engaging, and encouraging elementary school girls in science, technology, engineering, math, and aviation.

Various STEM links, articles and resources.

Recent research shows that students in the US are lagging behind their international peers in STEM. STEM literacy and skills are vital to the professional success of our children and the economic health of our nation. Nearly 80% of future careers will require awareness of and facility with STEM. STEMfinity looks to provide today's youth with the project-based tools to spark interest and passion in STEM. Join our family in helping encourage students to pursue Science, Techno

To inspire young people to be science and technology leaders, by engaging them in exciting mentor-based programs that build science, engineering and technology skills, that inspire innovation, and that foster well-rounded life capabilities including self-confidence, communication, and leadership.

Ispiring students to pursue careers in engineering, science, technology, and mathematics through robotics design...


NASA opportunities for students in grades 9-Higher Education.

Duke TIP is a global leader in identifying academically gifted students and providing them with opportunities to support their development. Find out what these TIPsters had to say about their Talent Search experience.

The global race to produce technologically savvy graduates is on! America is no exception, but we are losing our edge. Innovation has been the key to the rise of every great civilization. Applied math and science are the foundation of all technological learning. Fla Engineering Society's goals: encourage visibility of the engineering profession in the classroom, increase the number of students entering the engineering field and provide resources to help educators teach engineering at all levels.

the Davidson Institute offers much-needed support to profoundly gifted young people through various scholarships, programs and services.

The National Stem Foundation is committed to promoting STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) education by serving educational institutions and organizations.

Mensa has three stated purposes: to identify and foster human intelligence for the benefit of humanity, to encourage research in the nature, characteristics and uses of intelligence, and to promote stimulating intellectual and social opportunities for its members.

Free stem education resources.

The Young Entrepreneurs Academy (YEA!) is a 5 mo. program that teaches high school students how to start and run their own REAL businesses. YEA! guides high school students through the process of starting and running a legitimate business or social movement over the course of five months. As of 2013, YEA! has graduated 1,394 students who have started over 1,000 businesses and social movements! YEA! graduates started as students, and left the program as CEOs of their own companies!

Doolittle Institute

Working with regional educational entities, DI will expose young students to high-caliber Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) learning opportunities through our Innovative Dimensions Laboratory (IDL). The IDL is a partnership program located at the Okaloosa County School District’s “STEMM Center” and is working to augment the STEMM Academy’s middle school curriculum with unique programs. FORT WALTON BEACH (850) 226-4383


Do It Yourself projects centered around teaching children concepts in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. These are great starters into giving kids the tools to get excited about STEM!

Roominate’s unique blend of building, circuits, design, crafts, storytelling, and creativity teaches kids while they play. Using motor and light circuits, modular furniture building pieces and walls, while empowering kids to build endless amazing creations! Roominate teaches: Hands-On Problem Solving, Spatial + Fine Motor Skills, Self-Confidence, Creativity, and Basic Circuitry to help inspire the next generation of innovators.

The mission of the GCDC is to empower all young children to become effective, enthusiastic and socially competent learners and to create a community of learners that bond among children, their families, the school and the community.


(Okaloosa & Walton Counties)

For those students unable to finish high school, earning a GED  may be another option.  Three reasons to consider obtaining a GED certificate are:

1) Employment

2) Education

3) Self-Esteem

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Copyright © 2024 ~ All Rights Reserved is an online resource guide that supports families by linking kids, teens & parents with local businesses and professionals... providing links, info and other resources to strengthen and support local and visiting families. Because of the generous support of sponsors, this service is free. The website is useful to everyone... parents searching for answers to parenting questions, looking for baby-sitters or reaching out looking for after-school activities; teens looking for college scholarships; tweens needing friend advice; students needing to find out about school try-outs; kids wanting to find tutors, a virtual library (aka research playground) or play learning games; moms planning birthday parties; visitors looking for things to do and local attractions; anyone trying to find local events; and, well, there's so many things. Once you familiarize with the website, we believe you'll make it your go-to resource for all things kids, teens & families! 

Emerald Coast Kids, Inc. was formed with the sole purpose of developing, an online family resource guide, directory and parent information website.  The guide is intended to be a way for kids, teens and families to access much-needed data quickly, in one place, without having to spend countless hours online searching for the information. The guide includes comprehensive info and links to things such: events & local calendars; places & things to do - attractions, restaurants, shopping, fishing, boating, camping, etc.; school info, STEM, tutors, learning games, bus schedules, etc.; childcare, babysitters, after school care & KNO; after school activities, lessons & classes (sports, swim, art, drama, golf, dance, music, etc.); party ideas, venues & cakes; teens (driving, college resources, health & fitness, job/resume help, learning to driving); summer camp listings & vacation ideas; emergency contacts, community service, fitness & nutrition, pets, DIY/crafts, recipes, churches, freebies (kids eat free/coupons); and more!

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